Skuld Annual Review 2019/20 and Skuld Sustainability Report 2019


Published: 15 June 2020

Skuld's Annual Review and Accounts 2019/20

Skuld's Annual Review and Accounts 2019/20 (20.02.19-20.02.20) is now available, please download PDF or see our Financial reports page

Prepared for the future
"Our global Skuld team is well prepared for the future. We are strong both operationally and financially", says President and CEO Ståle Hansen.

Strong culture
Chairman of the Board, Klaus Kjærulff, says "The culture among Skuld people is a stronger force than ever”.

Skuld Sustainability Report 2019

Today, Skuld also publishes its first Sustainability Report underlining our commitment to sustainability. The report covers activities and initiatives during the calendar year 2019 and refers to areas of material importance to Skuld and our stakeholders. Please download PDF.