Skuld Annual Review and Sustainability Report 2020/21


Published: 14 June 2021

Skuld's Annual Review and Accounts 2020/21

Skuld's Annual Review and Accounts 2020/21 (20.02.20-20.02.21) is now available, please download PDF or see our Financial reports page.

A different year
"We owe our greatest thanks and appreciation to everyone who has contributed positively during the pandemic”, says President and CEO Ståle Hansen.

Covid impact, but the outlook is good
Chairman of the Board, Klaus Kjærulff, says "Covid-19 had a serious impact on shipping in 2020/21, but I am impressed with the ways that shipowners, managers, and insurance providers like Skuld adjusted to the situation with flexibility”.


Skuld Sustainability Report 2020/21

Today, Skuld also publishes its second Sustainability Report underlining our commitment to sustainability. The report covers activities and initiatives during our reporting year 2020/21 (20.02.20-20.02.21) and refers to areas of material importance to Skuld and our stakeholders. Please download PDF.