
Skuld是世界领先的海上保险公司,财务状况强劲,标准普尔评级为“A”级。公司总部位于奥斯陆,拥有 300 多名卓越员工与遍布全球的网络。我们为会员和客户提供全天24小时值得信赖的服务。
Skuld为会员提供首屈一指的国际化服务。 Skuld在全球设有 11 个当地办公室,我们多元化的专家团队既拥有丰富知识与经验,又有灵活变通性,随时随地为客户提供专业高效卓越可靠的支持与帮助。
发生海上事故时,第一时间获得经验丰富的帮助和指导至关重要。Skuld作为一家国际性的海上保险公司,拥有丰富的经验,随时准备协助我们的会员和客户处理属于P&I 和 H&M 承保范围内的各类事故。
王彦斌 Patrick Wang
Chief Executive of Skuld Hong Kong Branch
Nicola Mason
Senior Vice President, Deputy Head of Skuld Hong Kong
范崴 Wei Fan
Senior Vice President, Head of Marketing and Underwriting, Skuld Hong Kong Branch
陳柏然 Patrick Chan
Vice President, Head of FDD Skuld Hong Kong
仇旭薇 Claire Qiu
Senior Executive, Underwriting
林珊珊 Hara Lin
Executive, Underwriting Operations
陳家頴 Mary Chan
Executive, Underwriting Operations
羅寶芝 Tiffany Law
Executive, Underwriting Operations
張文濤 Thomas Zhang, Captain
Vice President, Claims, Lawyer
Einar Christensen
Vice President, Claims
Ken Littlejohn
Vice President, Claims
邱宇灝 Charles Qiu
Assistant Vice President, Claims
鄧海寧 Helen Tang
Assistant Vice President, Claims
朱自真 Julia Zhu
Assistant Vice President, Claims
刘家洪 Jia Hong Liu
Assistant Vice President, Technical Manager
Jiahong joined Skuld in 2014 as a Technical Manager. He has a total of 20 years of seagoing experience, including 12 years as a Master Mariner. His experience includes working on oil tankers, bulk carriers, and passenger ships. Jiahong also spent four years with Wallem Shipmanagement as a Marine Superintendent and five years with ID Wallem as a DPA and Manager of the Safety & Insurance Department.
趙亞超 Eric Zhao
Senior Claims Executive
王綽琪 Audrey Wong
Claims Executive
嚴彩瑋 Bridget Yim
Claims Executive
宋麗杰 Lijie Song
Claims Executive
黃佩霞 Rachel Wong
Claims Executive
周希婷 Harriet Chow
Executive, Claims/Admin Operations
陳銘淇 Maggie Chan
Executive, Claims/Admin Operations
莊靜詩 Michelle Chong
Executive, IT, Claims and Underwriting
陳玉華 Miriam Chan
Assistant Vice President, Compliance and Finance Manager
楊佩雯 Jenny Yeung
Office Manager