New York
- Local time:
- Visiting address: 757 Third Avenue, 25th floor, New York NY 10017, USA
- Telephone: +1 212 758 9200 (24 hours)

Aase Naaman Jensen
Senior Vice President, Head of Skuld New York
Office: New York

Pamela Milgrim
Vice President
Office: New York

Betsy Bundy
Vice President
Office: New York

Jan Gisholt
Vice President
Office: New York

Nikolai Ivanov
Vice President, Head of FDD Skuld New York
Office: New York

Carole Rouffet
Assistant Vice President, Claims
Office: New York

Patrick Nolan
Assistant Vice President, Claims
Office: New York

Cody King
Senior Claims Executive
Office: New York

Anthony Sabitsky
Claims Executive
Office: New York

Madalina Eftimie
Claims Assistant
Office: New York

Nadira Ramsarup
Office Manager and Accounting
Office: New York