
Alem Jasarevic
Alem Jasarevic
Chief Operating Officer
Office: Oslo
Department: Management
Office phone: +47 22 00 24 37
Mobile phone: +47 957 53 055
Admir Mesic
Admir Mesic
Vice President, Head of Sustainability
Office: Oslo
Department: Strategy and Sustainability
Office phone: +47 22 00 24 99
Mobile phone: +47 908 39 758
Alexander Edvardsson
Alexander Edvardsson
Vice President, Head of Projects
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Andreas Sylthe
Andreas Sylthe
Vice President, Head of Business Processes
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Office phone: +47 22 00 24 47
Mobile phone: +47 952 60 556
Bente Dokken Wendelborg
Bente Dokken Wendelborg
Senior Executive, QA and Test Manager
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Frida R. Wirum
Frida R. Wirum
Senior Executive, Agile Project Lead
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Office phone: +47 22 00 22 41
Mobile phone: +47 917 43 811
Sjur Dahl
Sjur Dahl
Facility Responsible
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Office phone: +47 22 00 23 34
Mobile phone: +47 952 92 334
Ann-Mari Kjølleberg
Ann-Mari Kjølleberg
Facility Support
Office: Oslo
Department: Operations
Office phone: +47 22 00 22 45
Mobile phone: +47 952 92 245