Dedicated to good health and well-being
Skuld places a high priority on the social aspect of sustainability. As approved by the Board, one of Skuld’s four strategic objectives is to foster a diverse, competent, and innovative culture and attract top talents. We are also committed to contributing to a safer life at sea and raising awareness to support the good health and well-being of seafarers.

Our focus areas
Our efforts align with Skuld’s work on SDG 3 'Good health and well-being' and SDG 10 'Reduced inequalities'.
Supporting a safer life at sea
Skuld is dedicated to promoting a safer life at sea. To achieve this goal, Skuld has partnered with the Norwegian Training Centre (NTC) in Manila, the leading maritime and offshore simulator training service in the global community. Together, NTC and Skuld will develop and deliver a seminar series for Skuld customers, Mental Health for Seafarers. Additionally, we will create a series of safety videos, the first of which will explore the risk of cargo liquefaction, a danger to those on board.
Skuld School for Seafarers
Skuld is committed to contributing to a safer future for seafarers and a more informed maritime industry. In November 2024, we held the second Skuld School for Seafarers in Manila in cooperation with NTC. We believe in empowering seafarers with knowledge about marine insurance so they can navigate safely at sea.
Safely with Skuld
Skuld has created a guide called “Safely with Skuld” to help seafarers understand our organisation and their role in preventing shipboard losses and injuries. The guide provides valuable insights on handling damages, the environment, and understanding the responsibilities related to their vessels and cargo. It is designed to be comprehensive yet easy to read and is available to all clients of Skuld. You can contact your local Skuld office to get print versions of the guide.
Caring for equity
Skuld's values and commitment to openness, equity, and inclusion have molded a culture where caring for individuals delivers collective benefits. Equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and adjust to imbalances. Skuld aims to be an inclusive and diverse employer that offers equal opportunities unbiased by gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, race, religion, or other personal factors. We continue our work to ensure diversity, equity, and non-discrimination through clearly defined recruitment and compensation processes, promotions and opportunities for development, adjustments to accommodate individual needs, and by fostering a positive working environment that supports non-discrimination, health and safety, and work-life balance for all.
Placing human rights on the radar
In Skuld, we believe in upholding ethical business practices and respecting human rights, and we have integrated a human rights and workplace well-being focus into both our internal and external arenas. Internally, are committed to offering an optimal work-life balance, with the flexibility individuals need, and a range of training initiatives targeting risk areas such as stress. Externally, Skuld has a Supplier Code of Conduct with clear principles and expectations regarding human rights and updated Correspondent Guidelines with an aligned focus. Skuld is committed to contributing to positive change.
Human Rights Working Group
Skuld's cross-functional Human Rights Working Group ensures our commitment to human rights is embedded in the organisation. The group works to assess how Skuld, suppliers, and business partners adhere to fundamental human rights, and whether employees enjoy decent working conditions in all our international offices. Our board-approved Human Rights Policy outlines Skuld's commitment to respect, support, and promote human rights. It includes our commitment to comply with the Norwegian Transparency Act.
Support for the LGBTQ+ community
Skuld is proud to support and fund the Sailors' Society's initiative to create an LGBTQ+ peer-to-peer support group for seafarers. This group aims to provide a safe and confidential space for seafarers to connect with peers in similar situations, reducing feelings of isolation and creating a sense of community. We show our support for the LGBTQ+ community by flying the rainbow colours on and on LinkedIn during Pride Month. The colours represent our commitment to inclusivity and equity and celebrate the diversity that strengthens us. Additionally, we will engage in internal activities and celebrations to honour Pride, fostering a workplace where everyone can be their true self. We stand alongside the LGBTQ+ community in their pursuit of acceptance, respect, and love, not just in June but always.

Supporting women's empowerment
WISTA Norway's '40 by 30'
Skuld is a signatory to WISTA Norway's '40 by 30' pledge promoting diversity in the maritime industry and working to increase the share of women in companies' leading positions to 40% by 2030. Gender equality is a high priority for Skuld, and our overall goal is to achieve at least 40% of each gender in all managerial and key positions by 2025. We are pleased to have reached 38% in 2023.
SHE Index
Skuld has also committed to ensure equal salary level between genders at all levels (excl. CXO) by 2025. Skuld's strong achievement in matters of gender equality and especially female leadership is reflected in our commitment to the SHE Index, which measures and compares gender balance within Scandinavian organisations. Skuld has improved its SHE Index scores year on year, with 70 points in 2023, up from 64 points in 2022.
UN Women Empowerment Principles
Skuld is a signatory to the UN Women Empowerment Principles supporting the advancement of equality between women and men in Skuld and in society. The principles present seven steps businesses and organisations can take to advance and empower women.