Skuld helps to protect ocean industries through our support of various initiatives which contribute to marine humanitarian causes, safety at sea and marine education and heritage.
Skuld is also a leading sponsor of the maritime conference NorShipping, conducted every second year in Oslo.
Humanitarian cause
Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships is an international humanitarian organisation that deploys hospital ships to some of the poorest countries in the world, delivering vital, free healthcare to people in desperate need. In addition to completing thousands of urgent operations onboard the floating hospitals, the ‘Africa Mercy’ and the ‘Global Mercy’, their volunteers also work closely with host nations to improve the way healthcare is delivered across the country by training and mentoring local medical staff and renovating hospitals and clinics. Founded in 1978 by Don and Deyon Stephens, Mercy Ships has worked in more than 55 countries, providing services valued at more than £1.3 billion. By improving healthcare delivery in every country it visits, Mercy Ships is working to eradicate the diseases of poverty and effectively do itself out of a job.
Skuld is a proud sponsor of insurance on both vessels.
You can read more about the organisation at:
Safety at sea
Redningsselskapet (Oslo) – The Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue
Redningsselskapet's purpose is to save lives, salvage assets and protect the coastal environment of Norwegian waters. The first rescue vessel started operating in 1893 and the organisation was first entered with Skuld in 1988. Today they operate 51 rescue vessels.
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Marine education and heritage
Skuld sponsors the P&I insurance of several tall ships to back their important role in marine education and heritage. Skuld also sponsors the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law at the University of Oslo (UiO).
Statsraad Lemkuhl (Bergen) – sailing/training vessel
Statsraad Lehmkuhl is Norway's largest and oldest square-rigged sailing ship and the pride of Bergen. She was first entered in Skuld in 1975. Her P&I insurance and part of her Hull insurance is sponsored by Skuld. Read more at:
From August 2021 until April 2023, Statsraad Lehmkuhl will circumnavigate the globe. The One Ocean Expedition is part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. During the voyage, which will visit more than 30 ports, researchers and students will carry out valuable scientific analysis of our oceans. They will share their findings and insights with the world to create awareness of the environmental challenges facing our oceans. Skuld is a proud partner, and will provide day-to-day loss prevention advice that helps to ensure a safe voyage for everyone involved.
Christian Radich (Oslo) – sailing/training vessel
Christian Radich was built in 1937 and was first entered in Skuld in 1976. Except for a period around the Second World War, she sailed as a training vessel until 1998. Since 2005, she is back as a training vessel along with commercial assignments. Her P&I insurance and part of her Hull insurance is sponsored by Skuld.
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Skuld is a proud sponsor of Windjammer, a programme for young people, 16-25 years old, who for different reasons have fallen outside education, training or school. Windjammer is their chance for a new start through a programme onboard Christian Radich offering new challenges, practical training and social interaction in a totally new environment.
Read more at: (Norwegian only)
Danmark (Copenhagen) – training vessels
Danmark is a three-masted full-rigged vessel, 74 meters long including the bowsprit. She was built in 1932 and has been a training vessel ever since. She was entered in Skuld in 1933 and Skuld sponsors her P&I insurance.
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Georg Stage (Copenhagen) – training vessel
Georg Stage is a three-masted full-rigged vessel, 54 meters long including the bowsprit. The first Georg Stage was built in 1882. Today’s training vessel was built in 1934-35 and was entered in Skuld from the start. Her P&I cover is sponsored by Skuld.
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Skibladner (Gjøvik) – paddle steamer
Skibladner was built 1854-56 and has sailed on Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake, ever since. She is the world's oldest preserved paddle steamer in timetabled service. In the summer season she sails between the local towns Gjøvik, Hamar and Lillehammer. Skibladner was entered with Skuld in 1975 and her P&I insurance is sponsored by Skuld.
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Maritime Law at the University of Oslo (UiO)
Skuld is part of a 10-year collaborative project participating with eight other marine- and insurance- sponsors. We contribute to lectures in maritime and insurance law, and to related research at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law in Oslo.
Maritime conference
Skuld is one of the leading sponsors for Nor-Shipping, an international maritime conference which takes place every second year. This is where the maritime and ocean industries meet to connect, collaborate and facilitate sustainable success in the ocean space. Nor-Shipping operates as a hub for international decision makers from both the private and public spheres.
In 2019, more than 50,000 delegates and exhibitors from 47 countries and visitors from over 85 nations attended Nor-Shipping’s exhibition, conferences, seminars, executive meetings and social events. Nor-Shipping 2021 was postponed and takes place in April 2022. Read more at: