Our visual identity

The anchor
A symbol of hope, steadfastness, and assurance
The constant in our past, present and future

An anchor dropped represents security and stability. An anchor lifted represents hope and new beginnings. It is a symbol and so much more. It is the strength needed when times are tough. It is the freedom sought when times are good. It grounds us in our beliefs and our values, but it also gives us the confidence to follow our vision, to move forward with our dreams.

Red is our colour
The horizon unites us

Our red colour is energetic and powerful and shows warmth and confidence. By using the horizon as a visual metaphor, we focus on what unites us. The purpose, values, goals and vision that we share. The horizon connects us: it’s visionary, and it is a continuous line that represents the past, the present, and most importantly the future.


Skuld logo and colour code

To download logos, please click on preferred link below and save.

Principal LOGO in Skuld red colour

Skuld logo red: PNG-format - [227KB]

Light grey
Skuld logo light grey: PNG-format - [237KB]

Skuld logo black: PNG-format - [19KB]

Principal COLOUR - Skuld red - colour codes

Skuld Red
Pantone 2347 C/U
R 228 G 27 B 19
C 0 M 99 Y 100 K 0
NCS S 0585-Y80R
RAL 3028