India: Lifting of iron ore mining ban in Goa


Published: 28 April 2014

The Association has previously advised of developments with respect to iron ore exports from Goa, India.

Further to those developments, the Supreme Court of India has now lifted the ban on mining of iron ore in Goa, although the total quantity that can be mined will be capped to 20 million tons per year.

Any miner will have to renew their license with the Goa Government, and it is always prudent to ensure that any cargo supplied to a vessel is coming from a licensed Mining organisation. This has been an issue not merely in India, but also in other places such as Indonesia and the Philippines. Consequences of having an unlawful cargo on board can lead to significant vessel delay, prosecution and fines.

The present information is that new mining activities will start after the monsoon and new cargoes may be available as of September. In the meantime older stockpiles may be put forward to shipment, and it may be difficult to verify - without up to date testing - whether they are suitable and safe for shipment.

The Association would like to repeat its warnings about the risk of liquefying cargoes, and recommend to Members to always ensure the IMSBC and SOLAS are strictly adhered to. Members may also wish to download a copy of the Association’s Pocket Guide to Bulk Mineral Cargo Liquefaction, and place a copy on each vessel.

Whenever a cargo is being laden which is at risk of liquefying, Masters should not hesitate to contact the local Correspondents if they are concerned or an issue arises.

Cargo may look dry when in stockpiles - iron ore - India

Signs of excess water content - iron ore - India


If Members have any further queries they are asked to contact the Association.

The Association is grateful to Capt. T. Manohar of Pandi Mumbai for contributing to this update.