Circular issued by International Group clubs
Members are referred to previous information supplied in the Circular dated 6 January 2012 regarding California COFRs. Members trading to California should to note the relevant provisions in the CA Code of Regulations (CCR) on evidence of financial security and renewal procedures for CA certificates of financial responsibility (COFRs) published by the Californian (CA) Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) and currently effective.
Before operating in CA marine waters, tank and non-tank vessels are required to submit their certificate of entry (CoE) at least ten (10) calendar days prior to operating or entering these waters, in order to apply for a CA COFR. This requirement supersedes the requirement to submit the CoE at least three (3) working days prior to entering CA waters.
Members are also advised that the thirty (30) and ninety (90) day timeframe required for self-certifying renewal with the P&I Club and the timeframe for providing the renewal documentation, i.e. the CoE – are replaced with a single timeframe of forty-five (45) calendar days following expiration of the P&I Club coverage to submit all necessary documentation including the CoE.
Members should contact the Association should they have any queries regarding any of the above.
This circular supersedes the circular issued on 6 January 2012.