Circular issued by International Group clubs
NOTE: For information on developments after publication of this Circular, see Insight on Wreck Removal Convention.
1 The Circular published on 23 December 2014 informed members that the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks ("WRC") enters into force on 14 April 2015.
2 This additional circular provides a reminder to Members that if the vessel is flagged in a State Party or calling at a port or offshore facility in a State Party it is a requirement to obtain a certificate from a WRC State Party attesting that insurance or other financial security is in force in accordance with the Convention.
3 The WRC provides that certificates must be obtained from the State in which a ship is flagged, providing that State is party to the Convention. Ships flagged in countries that are not parties will need to obtain a certificate from a relevant authority in a State Party. There is a full list of signatory states at the end of this circular.
4 The following WRC States' maritime authorities have on the date of publication of this circular agreed to issue certificates to ships flagged in countries that are not party to the Convention, subject to any conditions the relevant authority may apply.
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- Denmark
- Marshall Islands
- Liberia
- Palau
- Cook Islands
- Malta
5 The International Group has been informed by the Merchant Shipping Directorate of Malta that the Convention will enter into force in Malta on the 14 April 2015 and therefore any certificates for Malta flagged vessels issued by virtue of the national legal instrument transposing the Convention will be valid as of 14 April 2015.
6 The Merchant Shipping Directorate has confirmed that owners of ships on the Malta ship register who have received WRC blue cards from their clubs and WRC certificates from other States Parties, prior to Malta's accession to the WRC, will have such certificates respected for this policy year.
7 Certificate applications may be made to the following maritime authorities. Where the information is available addresses for applications are listed below. However, members should be aware that there are likely to be specific requirements for applications and they are recommended to check the website of the relevant authority or contact them directly for information on the procedures for application. At this time many of the State Parties would seem to be still in the process of finalising and publishing their procedures.
United Kingdom - Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Applications should be addressed to:
Mr T Cornish
Maritime and Coastguard Agency,
Spring Place,
105 Commercial Rd,
United Kingdom
SO15 1EG
Application form link:
Electronic applications to:
Postal applications should be addressed to:
Ms G Tungler
Bundesamt Für Seeschifffahrt Und Hydrographie (BSH)
S43 Bernhard - Nocht - Str. 78
20359 Hamburg
Please note that the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) will issue certificates to Danish flagged ships, ships from the Faeroe Islands, ships calling at Danish ports after 14 April 2015 and ships operated by Danish companies. DMA may issue Certificates for other vessels but this is normally the case only if an arrangement has been concluded between the DMA and the authorities of the vessel's flag state.
Postal applications should be addressed to:
Danish Maritime Authority
Carl Jacobsens Vej 31
2500 Valby
Electronic applications to:
Marshall Islands
International Registries, Inc. will give priority to certificate applications from Marshall Islands flagged ships. Certificate applications should be addressed to:
Maritime Administrator for the Republic of the Marshall Islands
International Registries, Inc.
Attn: Vessel Administration
11495 Commerce Park Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191-1506
For questions regarding Liberia's implementation of the Convention and issuance of WRC certificates for Liberian and non-Liberian flagged vessels, please contact:
Vessel Certificates
8619 Westwood Center Dr., Suite 300
Vienna, VA 22182, USA
Main: +1 703 790 3434
Fax: 703 790 5655
or email:
Full postal address for applications:
Palau International Ship Registry
16701 Greenspoint Park Drive, Suite 155
Houston, Texas, 77060
Phone: 281 876 9533
Electronic applications to
Cook Islands
Full postal addresses for applications:
Maritime Cook Islands
P.O. Box 882,
Cook Islands
For details of online applications, visit:
Postal applications should be addressed to:
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Transport Malta
Xatt l-Għassara ta' l-Għeneb
Malta Transport Centre
Marsa MRS 1917
Electronic applications to
At the time of publication of this circular the following 16 States have acceded to the convention.
State Party | Accession date | Entry into force date |
Antigua and Barbuda* | 09 January 2015 | 14 April 2015 |
Bulgaria* | 08 February 2012 | 14 April 2015 |
Congo* | 19 May 2014 | 14 April 2015 |
Cook Islands*+ | 22 December 2014 | 14 April 2015 |
Denmark*+ | 14 April 2014 | 14 April 2015 |
Germany+ | 20 June 2013 | 14 April 2015 |
India | 23 March 2011 | 14 April 2015 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 19 April 2011 | 14 April 2015 |
Liberia*+ | 08 January 2015 | 14 April 2015 |
Malaysia | 28 November 2013 | 14 April 2015 |
Malta*+ | 18 January 2015 | 18 April 2015 |
Marshall Islands*+ | 27 October 2014 | 14 April 2015 |
Morocco | 13 June 2013 | 14 April 2015 |
Nigeria | 23 July 2009 | 14 April 2015 |
Palau*+ | 29 September 2011 | 14 April 2015 |
United Kingdom*+ | 30 November 2012 | 14 April 2015 |
*Denotes States that will apply the Convention in the territory
+Denotes States that will issue certificates to ships flagged in countries that are not party to the Convention, subject to any conditions the relevant authority may apply.
All clubs in the International Group have issued similar circulars.