0 - A
2/O | Second Officer |
2H | Second Half |
3/O | Third Officer |
3PL | Third Party Logistics |
6-on/6-off | Watchkeeping routine shared by two officers: 24 hour period is covered by each working 6 hours on watch, followed by 6 hours off watch |
A/C | Account |
A/H | Anchor Handling |
A/O | And/Or |
A/S | Alongside |
AA | Always Afloat |
AAAA | Always Afloat, Always Accessible |
AAOSA | Always Afloat Or Safe Aground |
AAPA | American Association of Port Authorities |
AAR | Against All Risks |
AARA | 1. Always Accessible or Reachable on Arrival 2. Amsterdam-Antwerpen-Rotterdam Area |
AB | Able Bodied seaman |
ABL | Asset-Based Lending |
ABP | Associated British Ports |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping (classification society) |
ABT | About |
AC | Alternating Current (electricity) |
ACE | Alternative Control of Emissions |
ACI | Advance Commercial Information |
ACP | 1. Alternative Compliance Plan 2. Area Contingency Plan (US) |
ACT | Account |
ACV | 1. Actual Cash Value 2. Air Cushion Vehicle |
AD | 1. After Date 2. Area Differential |
ADA | Americans with Disability Act (US) |
ADAAG | Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (US) |
ADCOM | Adress Commission |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADOMS | Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping |
ADR | 1. Alternative Dispute Resolution 2. European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road |
AEO | Authorized Economic Operator |
AF | Anti-Fouling |
AFE | Approved for Expenditure |
AFFF | Aqueous Film Forming Foam |
AFFREIGHTMENT | The hiring of a ship in whole or part |
AFIR | Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation |
AFRA | Average Freight Rate Assessment |
AFS Convention | Anti-Fouling Systems Convention International Convention for the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Substances on Ships, 2001 |
AFSPS | Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway) |
AFT | At or towards the stern or rear of a ship |
AG | Arabian Gulf |
AGW | 1. Actual Gross Weight 2. All Going Well |
AH | 1. Aft Hatch 2. Antwerp / Hamburg range |
AHL | Australian Hold Ladders |
AHT | Anchor Handling Tug |
AHTS | Anchor Handling Tug Supply |
AH-TUG | Anchor Handling Tug |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIS | Automatic (Vessel) Identification System |
AJA | Administration of Justice Act, 1956 |
Al | Aluminium |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practical |
ALERT | Automatic Life-saving Emergency Radio Transmitter |
ALJ | Administrative Law Judge |
ALOP | Advanced Loss of Profits |
ALP | Articulated Loading Platform |
ALRS | Admiralty List of Radio Signals |
ALU | Aluminium |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
AMS | Automated Manifest System |
AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Agency |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMVER | Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue system |
AMWELSH | Americanised Welsh Coal Charter party (standard coal charterparty) |
ANERA | Asia-North America Eastbound Rate Agreement |
ANOP | Articles Not Otherwise Provided for |
ANS | Aquatic nuisance species |
ANSI | American National Standard Institute |
ANT | Advance Notice of Transfer |
ANTHAM | Antwerp-Hamburg range |
AO | 1. Awaiting Orders 2. And Other |
AOAOO | Any One Accident Or Occurrence |
AOB | Any One Bottom |
AOG | Active Operator Guidance |
AOH/A.O.H. | After Office Hours |
AOLOC | Any One Location |
AOR | Atlantic Ocean Region |
AOS | Any One Steamer |
AOV | Any One Vessel |
AP | 1. All Purposes 2. Additional Premium 3. Aft Perpendicular 4. Autopilot |
APC | Alternative Planning Criteria |
APHIS | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (US) |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APPS | Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (US) |
APs | Additional insurance premiums |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station |
APT | Aft Peak Tank |
AQIS | Australian Quarantine Inspection Service |
ARA | Antwerp - Rotterdam - Amsterdam range |
ARAG | Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent range |
ARB | Arbitration |
ARCC | Aeronautical Rescue Co-ordination Centre |
ARND | Around |
ARPA | Automatic Radar Plotting Aid |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASBA | The Association of Shipbrokers and Agents (USA) Incorporated, New York |
ASCAP | Accelerated Small Claims Arbitration Procedure |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASI | Anti-Suit Injunction |
ASP | Application Service Provider |
ASPW | Any Safe Port in the World |
ASTM | American Society of Testing & Materials |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATC | Actual Time Counting |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
ATDN | Any Time Day & Night |
ATDNSHINC | Any Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included |
ATF | Approved Transitional Facility |
ATK | Aviation Turbine Kerosene |
ATL | Actual Total Loss |
ATS | 1. All Time Saved 2. Automated Targeting System |
ATSA | Aviation and Transportation Security Act |
ATSBE | All Time Saved Both Ends |
ATSDO | All Time Saved Discharging Only |
ATUTC | 1. Actually Time Used To Count 2. All Time Used to Count |
AUSMEPA | Australian Marine Environment Protection Association |
AUSSIE | Australia |
AUSTWHEAT | Australian Wheat Charter |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
AUX | Auxilliaries |
AVGAS | Aviation Gasoline |
AVR | Automatic Voltage Regulator |
AVRA | Automated Voyage Risk Assessment |
AVTAG | Aviation Turbine Gasoline |
AWIWL | Always Within Institute Warranty Limits |
AWVNS | Always Within Vessel's Natural Segregation |
AWRI | Additional War Risk Insurance |