On 14 September 2017, EU Council Regulation 2017/1547 amended Regulation 269/2014 by allowing States to authorise payments to Crimea sea ports.
Crimean port calls - EU sanctions update
With reference to our update on the closure of Crimean ports, the European Union has now published Regulation (EU) No 810/2014 of 25 July 2014, which adds to the list of persons and entities subject to the sanctions set out in Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.
Now included within this list are the "State enterprise 'Sevastopol commercial seaport'" and "State enterprise 'Kerch commercial sea port'".
Pursuant to this Regulation, all funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by these entities are frozen. No funds or economic resources shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to or for the benefit of these entities or bodies associated with them.
Members are therefore advised not to call at these ports without first carefully checking to see whether the sanctions are applicable.
For further information, members are asked to contact the Association.
The Association is grateful to Glenn Winter of Winter Scott, London, for preparing this update.